Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Nordeuropa-Institut

Franzisca Priegnitz
Sven Hedins Deutschlandbild.
Eine Untersuchung seiner Perzeption von Deutschland unter dem Einfluss nationalsozialistischer Propaganda anhand seiner Publikationen zwischen 1935 und 1945

Sven Hedin was a Swedish geographer and explorer of Central Asia at the turn of the 19th century, who openly sided with Germany during both world wars. This master’s thesis iluminates Hedins perception of Germany during the Nazi-regime by analysing his publications of the years 1935 until 1945. The analysis shows, that Hedin had a fixed perception of Germany as a land with an agrarian based society, polychractic government under a monochratic leadership, militaristic hierarchy, konservative virtues and the role of being the defender of western culture against eastern tsarism and bolshevism. With this fixed perception in mind, Hedin became one of the most prominent scandinavians to support Nazi-Germany by writing and publishing propagandistic books in cooperation with the Nazi-Propagandaministerium.


[Magisterarbeiten im Fachteil Kulturwissenschaft 2004]