Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Nordeuropa-Institut

Dag-Hammarskjöld-Vorlesungen im SoSe 2007

Vom 1. Oktober 2005 bis zum 30. September 2008 war Herr Prof. Sten Berglund Inhaber der Dag-Hammarskjöld-Professur.

Die Gastvorlesungsreihe des Sommersemesters 2007 trägt den Titel Schweden, Europa und die Welt und wird sich der Kluft zwischen schwedischem Selbstbild und der tatsächlichen Rolle jenes kleinen Landes in der Politik Europas und der Welt widmen. Nordeuropäische Wissenschaftler verschiedener Disziplinen werden versuchen, sich mit ganz unterschiedlichen Perspektiven dem zu nähern, was den schwedischen Sonderweg ausmacht und kennzeichnet. Die Vorlesungsreihe wird von der vom Jubliäumsfond der schwedischen Reichsbank finanzierten Dag-Hammarskjöld-Stiftungsprofessur veranstaltet. Seit 2005 hat sie der schwedische Politikwissenschaftler Sten Berglund inne.

Die Vorlesungen werden auch auf Plakaten und über E-Mail angekündigt.

Die Veranstaltungen finden, falls nicht anders angekündigt, am Nordeuropa-Institut, Hegelplatz 2, 10117 Berlin, Haus 3, 1. Etage, Raum 3.231 (Henrik Steffens) jeweils mittwochs von 18-20 Uhr statt.



Apr. 2007

Foundations and Think Tanks in Finland

Christoffer Grönholm


Christoffer Grönholm has been director of the SFV foundation in Finland since 1987. SFV or Svenska Folkskolans Vänner, is a foundation primarily committed to strengthening the position of the Swedish speaking minority in Finland by promoting Swedish as a language of instruction and learning. Christoffer Grönholm has a background as lecturer, docent and professor of political science, and has remained an active member of the political science community also over the last two decades. He has initiated one of the think tanks currently working in Finland. In his lecture at the Nordeuropa-Institut, he will focus on the role of foundations and think tanks in Finland, a topic of obvious interest also beyond the Finnish context.

Mai 2007

Swedish Identity and European Integration

Kjell Goldmann


Kjell Goldmann became Professor of Political Science at Stockholm University in 1978. He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences. His current research is mainly about the dynamics of internationalisation and its implications for nation-states and democracy, with a focus on European politics and the European Union. At the Nordeuropa-Institut he will outline to what extent Swedish policy on Europe can be seen as national rather than ideational or situational. He will furthermore discuss prevailing Swedish values and role conceptions and tentatively apply what can be seen as features of Sweden’s identity to the issues of EU enlargement, the Common Agricultural Policy, the Euro, the constitutional treaty and the Common Foreign and Security Policy.

Mai 2007

The Bonfire of the Nordic Legacies: The Unavoidable, Unnecessary and Unforgivable

Ulf Lindström


Ulf Lindström received his doctorate from Umeå universitet (Sweden) in 1983 and has since been teaching and researching at Umeå universitet, Universitetet i Bergen (Norway) and Åbo akademi (Finland). He has published several books about such,diverse issues as the development of political parties in Eastern Europe, scandinavian worker's movements and scandinavian fascism. At the Nordeuropa-Institut he will explore what is commonly known as the Nordic exceptionalism, or Sonderweg, and offer an inventory of the three fields of public policy to which he tributes a "relative decline". He will further discuss the reasons for this alleged decline in the Nordic legacies with a focus on institutions and leadership.

Jun. 2007

Successful Social Democratic Financial and Economic Policy - the Swedish Experience

Pär Nuder

Swedish Minister of Finance 2004-2006, Member of the Riksdag, Vice-spokesman Budget Committee, Stockholm

Gemeinsam mit dem Stockholmer Büro der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung lädt das Nordeuropa-Institut herzlich zur Dag-Hammarskjöld-Vorlesung im forum NORDEUROPA ein:

In the early 1990s, Sweden experienced its deepest recession since the thirties. In a couple of years public debt doubled, unemployment tripled and the public deficit increased tenfold, the budget deficit was the largest in the OECD area. Today the country has become a reference for successful financial and economic policy; it ranks among the top players in international indices. Sound public finances go along with low unemployment and inflation. Captialism and high taxes, competitive industries and strong trade unions, a flourishing private sector and a high quality public service characterize the Swedish economy.
How was this performance possible in a decade of neo-liberal dominance in economic discourse and politics in most parts of the globe? What where the strategic political decisions behind the success story? How relevant is the Swedish experiences for other countries? Is the Swedish model sustainable in times off ongoing globalization?
In cooperation with the Nordic Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Stockholm, the Department for Northern European Studies presents with Pär Nuder one of the architects of the Swedish success. Mr. Nuder has accompanied and shaped the process in prominent government positions since the early 90s.

Im Anschluss lädt die Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung zu einem Imbiss.