Ralph Tuchtenhagen Professor of Scandinavian Studies/Cultural Studies

Since 2009 Professor of Scandinavian Studies/Cultural Studies (with an emphasis on history)
Particular research interests
- History of Northern Europe and the Baltic countries, 1500-1914
- History of the Thirty Years' War
- Early modern and modern history of the polar regions
- History of history writing on Northern Europe
- Transnational history of Germany-Northern Europe
- Italian voyage accounts on Northern Europe
- Early modern empire building in Sweden and Denmark
- Regional history of Southwestern Germany and Brandenburg-Prussia and their relations to Northern Europe
Core areas in teaching
- Historical sources and methods
- History of the Reformation in Northern Europe
- The role of North European monarchies during the Thirty Years' War
- The Enlightenment in Great Britain, France, Germany, and Northern Europe
- National and regional identities in Northern Europe
- Transnational relations between Berlin/Brandenburg and Northern Europe
- Social and educational policies in Northern Europe from the Reformation to the present
- The First and Second World Wars in Northern Europe
Administration (digest)
- Head of Nordeuropa-Institut (2010-2012)
- Deputy head of Nordeuropa-Institut (2012-2014, 2014-2016, 2018-2020)
- J.G. Herder Forschungsrat (Member of the board 2011-2014)
- Baltische Historische Kommission, Göttingen (Member of the Board 2007-2011)
- Nordost-Institut, Lüneburg (Member of the board 2002-2011)
- 2012 Special Award, Tallinn University, for „Tallinn. Kleine Geschichte der Stadt" (Tallinn: A concise history; with Karsten Brüggemann) as most excellent scholarly book of the year 2011.
2018 | Publication of the 3 vol. work "Das Baltikum. Geschichte einer europäischen Region" (The Baltic Countries: history of a European region). (January) Start of the research project „Die Prinzessinenbibliothek (The Princess Library)“ in cooperation with Nordeuropa-Institut, the Historical Institute of Uppsala University, the Institute of Scandinavian Studies, Strasbourg University, and the Historical Institute, Amsterdam University. (March) Organizer and chair of the conference „Die Schweden im deutschen Südwesten. Vorgeschichte – Dreißigjähriger Krieg – Erinnerung“ (The Swedes in the German Southwest: prehistory - Thirty Year's War - Memory) (with the Commission of Historical Regional Studies for the state of Baden-Württemberg and the German-Swedish Association, Heidelberg) in Heidelberg. (April) Elected as Deputy Head of Nordeuropa-Instituts, HU Berlin. (September) Organizer of the 3rd international workshop "The Princess Library" in Berlin. |
2017 | (January to May) Organizer of the dissertation discipline „Geschichte Nordeuropas/North European History Studies“ for the Faculty of Language and Literature Studies, HU Berlin. (October) Organiser and chair of the 6th Conference for Younger Scholars of the History of the Baltic Sea Region at Academia Baltica, Sankelmark, Germany: „Ostseegeschichte als popular history/The History of the Baltic Sea Region as Popular History“ |
2016 | (March) Foreign member of the election committee for awardess of the Finnish Academy, Helsinki, Department of History. (July) Founding member of the Berlin Center of Transnational Border Studies „Border Crossings – Crossing Borders“ at HU Berlin. (October) Organiser and Chair of the conference „25 Jahre Ostseeforschung/25 Years of Baltic Sea Studies“ (with Christian Pletzing and Karsten Brüggemann) at Academia Baltica, Sankelmark, Germany. (November) Organiser and chair of a conference for younger scholars „Finnen in Berlin, Deutsche in Helsinki – Erfahrungen und Begegnungen aus zwei Jahrhunderten/Finns in Berlin, Germans in Helsinki - Experiences and Encounters from two centuries“ (with the Finnland-Institut, Berlin) at Finnland-Institut, Berlin. |
2015 |
(April) (September) Organizer of the 2nd workshop of the research project „La mer comme zone de contact. Voyageurs dans l’espace baltique et méditerranéen de la fin du Moyen Age à nos jours/The Sea as a Contact Zone. Voyagers in the Baltic Sea Area and the Mediterranean from the Middle Ages to the Present" at Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (with Burghart Schmidt, Markus Friedrich). (April to July) Organizer and chair of the lecture series „Des regards sur des mondes étranges: les ‘gens du nord’ et les ‘gens du sud’ dans récits de voyages d´époques révolues/A View on Alien Worlds: 'Southerners' and 'Northerners' in Historical Voyage Literature" at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. (September) Organizer and chair of the 5th Conference for Younger Scholars of the History of the Baltic Sea Region at Academia Baltica, Sankelmark, Germany: "Ostse(h)e(n). Aspekte einer Visual History/Baltic Sea/ing: Aspects of a Visual History". |
2014 | (February) Foreign member and chairman of the election committee for awardees of the Finnish Academy, Department of History. Organizer of the 2nd workshop of the research project „Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Nordeuropawissenschaft/History of German Language Studies on Northern Europe“ at Nordeuropa-Institut, HU Berlin (with Jan Hecker-Stampehl). (April to July) Organizer and chair of the lecture serie „1864 – Krieg, Erinnerung, Geschichte/1864 - War, Memory, History“ at Nordeuropa-Institut, HU Berlin (with Jan Hecker-Stampehl and Anders Ellegaard). (September) Organization of the 1st workshop of the research project „La mer comme zone de contact. Voyageurs dans l’espace baltique et méditerranéen de la fin du Moyen Age à nos jours/The Sea as a Contact Zone. Voyagers in the Baltic Sea Area and the Mediterranean from the Middle Ages to the Present" at Universität Hamburg (with Burghart Schmidt and Markus Friedrich). (November) Organization of the international conference „Der Norden im Berliner Fokus – Wissenschaft und Kultur/The North in a Berlin Perspective - Scholarship and Culture“ at Nordeuropa-Institut, HU Berlin (with Jan Hecker-Stampehl, Bernd Henningsen, Izabela Dahl, and Johannes Sperling). (December) Organization of the 2nd conference of the research project “Negotiating Space, Arranging the Land: Mapping in the Nordic Countries, 1740 until today”: „(Re-)producing the North: Space, Knowledge and Maps” at Nordeuropa-Institut, HU Berlin (with the University of Oslo, Norway). |
2013 | (January) Co-organizer of the Symposion of German and Finnish Historians in 2013 at Nordeuropa-Institut, HU Berlin (with Jan Hecker-Stampehl). Publication of the inaugural lecture at HU Berlin „Wider den Geist unsinniger Fabeln. Geschichtsschreibung über Nordeuropa im Zeitalter der Aufklärung (Against the Spirit of Inspinning Fables: History writing on Northern Europe in the Age of Enlightenment)“.(March to September) Visiting Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy. (October) Co-organizer and co-chair of the 4th Conference for Younger Scholars of the History of the Baltic Sea Region at Academia Baltica, Sankelmark, Germany: "Ostseegeschichte als Migrationsgeschichte/The Baltic Sea Region - A Region of Migrations in Modern History". |
2012 | (February) Elected as Deputy Head of Nordeuropa-Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; (March) Elected as a member of the advisory board of the E.ON Ruhrgas-Stiftung/E.ON Ruhrgas Foundation. (April) Special Award by the University of Tallinn, Estonia, for the book „Tallinn. Kleine Geschichte der Stadt (Tallinn: A concise history)“. Elected as member of the advisory board of Finnland-Institut/Finnland Institute, Berlin. |
2011 | Co-author of the „Handbuch Religionen in den Ländern der Welt (Compendium of Worldwide Religions)“. (April) Co-organizer and co-chair of the 3th Conference for Younger Scholars of the History of the Baltic Sea Region at Academia Baltica, Sankelmark, Germany: "Der Ostseeraum - eine multikulturelle Region im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert/The Baltic Sea Area: a multicultural region in the 19th and 20th centuries". (Mai) Rotatively resigned from the steering committee of the Institut für Kultur und Geschichte Nordosteuropas/Institute of the Culture and History of Northeastern Europe – IKGN; (June) Cooptated as a co-editor of „Quellen und Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte (Sources and Studies on Baltic History)“ at Böhlau-Verlag (Böhlau Editing House). (September) Cooptated as a co-editor of the publication series „Nordeuropäische Forschungen (North European Studies)“ und „Die Ostseeregion: Nördliche Dimensionen – Europäische Perspektiven/The Baltic Sea Region: Northern Dimensions – European Perspectives“, edited by Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag. (November) Cooptated as a member of the board of the Herder-Forschungsrat (Herder Research Council). Ingauguration lecture at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. |
2010 | (January) Cooptated as a co-editor of the journal „Nordeuropaforum“. (April) Elected as head of Nordeuropa-Institut of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. (September) Publication of the book „Tallinn. Kleine Geschichte der Stadt“ (Tallinn: A concise history). Re-elected as a member of the board of the Institut für Kultur und Geschichte Nordosteuropas/Institute for the Culture and History of Northeastern Europe – IKGN, Lüneburg. |
2009 | (February) Publication of the book „Zentralstaat und Provinz im frühneuzeitlichen Nordosteuropa“ (= "second book"). Cooptated as a member of the „J. G. Herder-Forschungsrats (J. G. Herder Research Council)“. (April) Co-organizer and co-chair of the 2th Conference for Younger Scholars of the History of the Baltic Sea Region at Academia Baltica, Sankelmark, Germany: "Der Ostseeraum - eine europäische Region im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert/The Baltic Sea Area: a European region in the 19th and 20th centuries". (September) Publication of the book „Kleine Geschichte Norwegens (Norway: A concise history)“. (October) Taking office of the W3–Professorship of Scandinavian Studies/Cultural Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. |
2008 | (January) Publication of the book „Kleine Geschichte Schwedens (Sweden: A concise history“. (August to November) Guest professorship at the University of Södertörn, Sweden. (October) Publication of the book „Vilnius: A concise history“. (October) Cooptated as a co-editor of the journal „Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropaforschung/Journal of East Central European Studies“. (November) Publication of the book „Geschichte der baltischen Länder (History of the Baltic Countries)“, 2nd ed.. (December) Call for a W3–Professorship for Scandinavian Studies/Cultural Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. |
2007 | (June) Elected as a member of the board of „Baltische Historische Kommission (Baltic Historical Commission)“. (September/Oktober) Research in the Swedish Imperial Archives, Stockholm. Research in the Regional Archives of Falun, Sweden and the Estonian Historical Archives, Tartu, Estonia. Co-editor of „Schriften der Baltischen Historischen Kommission (Publications of the Baltic Historical Commission)“. Start of the research project (sponsored by Volkswagen-Stiftung/Volkswagen Foundation) „Das Baltikum. Geschichte einer europäischen Region (The Baltics: history of a European region)“. |
2006 | (March) Publication of the Italian version of the book „Geschichte der baltischen Länder“: „Storia degli paesi baltici“. Co-editor of „Veröffentlichungen des Nordost-Instituts (Publication of the Institute of Northeastern Europe)“. Co-editor of „Forschungen zur europäischen Geschichte der Neuzeit (Studies on Modern European History)". (May) Co-editor of „Baltische biographische Forschungen (Baltic Biographic Studies)“. (June) Re-elected as member of the the board of Nordost-Institut/Institute of Northeast European Studies, Lüneburg. (July) Co-editor of „Studien zum Ostseeraum (Baltic Sea Studies)“. (October) Research in the Swedish Imperial Archives, Stockholm. Co-organizer and co-chair of the 1th Conference for Younger Scholars of the History of the Baltic Sea Region at Academia Baltica, Sankelmark, Germany: "Das Baltikum zwischen Deutschland und Russland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert/The Baltic Countries between Germany and Russia in the 19th and 20th centuries". (November) Elected as a member of the advisory board of the journal „nordeuropaforum“. |
2005 | (January) Elected for the board of the journal „Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte (Research on Baltic History)“. (February) Publication of the book „Geschichte der baltischen Länder (History of the Baltic Countries)“. (December) Edition of the collection of articles „Reformation in den Ostseeländern (Reformation in the Baltic Sea countries)“. |
2004 | Edition of the collection of articles „Ethnische und soziale Konflikte im neuzeitlichen Osteuropa. Festschrift für Heinz-Dietrich Löwe zum 60. Geburtstag (Ethnic and Social Conflicts in Modern Eastern Europe: Festschrift for Heinz-Dietrich Löwe)“. Co-author of „Handbuch der europäischen Migration (Compendium of European Migration)“. Start of co-authorship of „Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (Encyclopedia of Eastern Europe)“. |
2003 | (April) Taking office as a professor of "Ost- und Nordeuropäische Geschichte mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Ostseeraumes/East and North European History with Emphasis on the Baltic Sea Area“ at Hamburg University. Certificate as an examinant for teachers at elementary schools, Realschulen, and special schools in the Free and Hanseatic Town of Hamburg. |
2002 |
(May) Coopted as a member of Baltische Historische Kommission/Baltic Historic Commission. (August) Call for a C3-professorship for „Ost- und Nordeuropäische Geschichte mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Ostseeraumes (East and North European History with Emphasis on the Baltic Sea Area“ at Hamburg University. (October to February 2003) Guestprofessor for „Osteuropäische Geschichte (East European History)“ at Universität des Saarlandes (Saarland University). (November) Elected as a member of the board of Nordost-Institut (Institute of Northeastern European Studies), Lüneburg. |
2001 | (January) Completion of the second book (Habilitationsschrift) „Zentralstaat und Provinz im frühneuzeitlichen Nordosteuropa“ (Centralized State and Province in Early Modern Northeastern Europe). (July) Habilitationskolloquium at Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät der Universität Heidelberg (Faculty of Philosophy and History of Heidelberg University) and Venia legendi for „Neuere und Osteuropäische Geschichte (Modern and East European History)“. (November) Appointment as a Hochschuldozent (Assistant Professor) (C2) at Heidelberg University. Edition of the collection of articles "Staat und Religion in der Sowjetunion 1917-1941 (State and Religion in the Soviet Union 1917-1941“ (with Christoph Gassenschmidt). Edition of the collection of articles „Osteuropaforschung in der nordeuropäischen Historiographie (Research on Northeastern Europe in Eastern Europe)“ (= Nordost-Archiv 2000, issue 2). |
1999 | Cooptation as a member of Institut Nordostdeutsches Kulturwerk e.V./Institute of Northeastern German Culture (NOKW), Lüneburg. |
1998 | (February to March) Research trips (grants by the German Research Association) to Tartu and Tallinn (Estonia), Moscow (Russia) and Riga (Latvia). (October) Establishment of the study group "Northeastern Europe" at Seminar für Osteuropäische Geschichte (Institute of East European History), Heidelberg University. |
1997 | Membership of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde, e.V. (German Society of East European Studies), Südosteuropagesellschaft (Society of Southeastern European Studies), Deutscher Historikerverband (German Association of Historians), Verband der Osteuropahistoriker (Association of Historians for the Study of Eastern Europa) and Ost-West-Club (East-Western Club) Heidelberg. Membership of Deutsch-Schwedische Gesellschaft (Association of German and Swedish Cultural Exchange). Freelancer at "Polar Journal". |
1996 | (July to October) Research trips (grants by the German Research Association) to Stockholm (Sweden) and Helsinki (Finland). (October) Member of the Danish Historical Society (Den Danske Historiske Foreningen), Finnish Historical Society (Suomen Historiallinen Seura) and Association for the History of the Northern Seas. (November) Founding member of Ständige Konferenz der Historiker des Ostseeraumes (Permanent Conference of Historians Studying the History of the Baltic Sea Area) – SKHO. |
1995 | (May) Scholarly Assistent at Seminar für Osteuropäische Geschichte (Institute of Eastern European Studies), Heidelberg University. (June) Cooptated member of the Swedish Historical Association (Svenska Historiska Föreningen) and Caroline Organization (Karolinska Förbundet). (August) Member of the German-Finnish Society (Suomalais-Saksalainen Liitto). (July to October) Research trips (grants by the German Research Association) to the Regional Archives in Mikkeli and National Archives in Helsinki (Finland). Publication of the dissertation „Religion als minderer Status. Die Reform der Gesetzgebung gegenüber religiösen Minderheiten in der verfaßten Gesellschaft des Russischen Reiches 1905-1917 (Religion as a minor status: legislative reforms on religious minorities issues in the constitutional society of the Russia Empire, 1905-1917)“. |
1994 | (July to October) Research trips (grants by the German Research Association) to the regional archives in Lund and Stockholm (Sweden) and start of the "second book" (Habilitationsschrift) „Zentralstaat und Provinz im frühneuzeitlichen Nordeuropa (Centralized State and Province in Early Modern Northeastern Europe)“. Edition of the collection of articles „Zwischen Reform und Revolution. Die Deutschen an der Wolga 1861-1917 (Between Reform and Revolution: Germans at the banks of the Volga river 1861-1917“ (with Dittmar Dahlmann). |
1993 | (March) Scholarly Assistent at Seminar für Osteuropäische Geschichte (Institute of Eastern European History), Heidelberg University. |
1990 | (June) Completion of dissertation. (November) Rigorosum (doctoral viva) for History Studies, Northern Germanic Studies, and German Studies at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. |
1989 | (March) Scholarly Assistent at Seminar für Osteuropäische Geschichte (Institute of Eastern European History), Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. Start of co-authorship of „Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikon (Biographical and Bibliographical Encyclopedia of Church History)“, ed. by Traugott Bautz. |
1988 | (January to May) Academic studies (history) at Université Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne). (June to December) Author and editor of Fjordis-Verlag (Fjordis Editing House), Gaupne, Norway: various publications in the field of tourism in Scandinavia. |
1987 | (February) Master of Arts in North Germanic Studies, German Studies, and History at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany. (October) Start of dissertation „Religion als minderer Status. Staatliche Politik gegenüber religiösen Minderheiten in der verfaßten Gesellschaft des Russischen Reiches 1905-1917 (Religion as a minor status: legislative reforms on religious minorities issues in the constitutional society of the Russia Empire, 1905-1917)“ under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Heinz-Dietrich Löwe (from 1988 Prof. Dr. Heiko Haumann, Basel University). (October 1987 to May 1988) Research trips (grants by German Academic Exchange Service) to Stockholm, Helsinki, Leningrad, and Paris. |
1981 | (June) Abitur (A-levels) at Seminar-Internat Marienhöhe (boarding school Marienhöhe), Darmstadt. (October) Matriculation Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg in the disciplines History, North Germanic Studies, and German Studies. |
1961 | 1961 (Oct. 10) Born in Karlsruhe, Germany. Parents: Rev. Heinz Tuchtenhagen and his wife Ruth Tuchtenhagen, born Heimann. |