Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Nordeuropa-Institut

The Kildin-Saami Multimedia Dictionary Project:

Creation of a Kildin- Russian-Kildin multimedia dictionary accessible online

Projektzeitraum: 2006–2007


Team members:
Michael Riessler, Elisabeth Scheller, Alexander Yurjev


The goal of the project is to create a multimedia Kildin-Russian-Kildin dictionary with around 8000 Kildin-Sami entries and phrases which will be linked to sound and image files. The dictionary shall be stored in platform-independent XML format and shall be openly accessible via a Saami internet portal. Furthermore an appropriate number of the CD-ROM version of the dictionary shall be distributed to schools, libraries and Saami institutions both in and outside of Russia. Saami computer programmer Alexander Yurjev will do the programming and database. Michael Riessler and Elisabeth Scheller shall assist in editing and linking of the sound and image files. The word databases and the multimedia files linked to these shall be stored in the DOBES archive in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, together with other linguistic and anthropological data being documented by the Volkswagen funded Kildin-Saami Documentation Project. This project is funded by the Saami Council and will be starting in June 2006 and ending in May 2007.



Kola Saami Documentation Project (KSDP)

Saami Council