Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Nordeuropa-Institut

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät | Nordeuropa-Institut | TERMINE | SoSe 2019 | Codex Runicus (AM 28 8vo) digitized - A pilot project for encoding a runic manuscript – Paola Peratello

Codex Runicus (AM 28 8vo) digitized - A pilot project for encoding a runic manuscript – Paola Peratello

Im Rahmen des GK Mediävistik gibt es einen Gastvortrag zum Codex Runicus, der einzigen überlieferten altnordischen Handschrift, welche nicht mit lateinischen Buchstaben sondern in Futhark geschrieben ist.
  • Codex Runicus (AM 28 8vo) digitized - A pilot project for encoding a runic manuscript – Paola Peratello
  • 2019-06-21T10:00:00+02:00
  • 2019-06-21T12:00:00+02:00
  • Im Rahmen des GK Mediävistik gibt es einen Gastvortrag zum Codex Runicus, der einzigen überlieferten altnordischen Handschrift, welche nicht mit lateinischen Buchstaben sondern in Futhark geschrieben ist.
  • Was Gastvortrag Öffentliche Veranstaltung
  • Wann 21.06.2019 von 10:00 bis 12:00
  • Wo 3.231 (Henrik Steffens)
  • iCal

Codex Runicus (AM 28 8vo) digitized - A pilot project for encoding a runic manuscript – Paola Peratello

Paola Peratello
hat in ihrer Masterarbeit eine Seite des Codex in Menota XML transkribiert und wird darüber berichten, welche Herausforderungen dies mit sich gebracht hat.

Der Vortrag wird auf Englisch gehalten.


Abstract: The topic of this presentation is to show the process of the encoding of fol. 25v of Codex Runicus AM 28 8vo. To this aim I have used Oxygen XML Editor to create the encoding of the text in compliance with P5 TEI standards. This folio has been chosen as a pilot project for the XML encoding of a document written in runic script, which to the best of my knowledge has not been done before. The final project is to encode a larger part of the codex once this procedure has been tried and tested.

Fol. 25v contains a portion of the Skånske Lov written by the main hand, who is believed to have written two third of the texts preserved in the codex. The manuscript dates to ca. 1300 and it has been written in Skåne, probably in the scriptorium of the Cistercian Herresvadskloster. Indeed, the language is the Old Danish, in particular the Scanian dialect, rendered completely in dotted runes.

From an encoding point of view, not all runes are found in the Unicode Runic chart: for example, the z-rune is not represented correctly and, for this reason, it is advisable a better rendering of it. This instance of digitization would represent a development with respect to the traditional possibilities of editing it: in fact, it would build an image-based edition. Additionally, it would allow a granular analysis of the graphemic aspects in the use of the runes.


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