Jón Karl Helgason: 22.4.2015
- https://www.ni.hu-berlin.de/de/termine-ordner/vergangene-termine/jon-karl-helgasonj-22-4-2015
- Jón Karl Helgason: 22.4.2015
- 2015-04-22T20:00:00+02:00
- 2015-04-22T22:00:00+02:00
- What Mediävistische Vorlesungen
- Wann 22.04.2015 von 20:00 bis 22:00
- Wo DOR 24, Raum 3.134 (Georg Brandes)
Mediävistischer Gastvortrag

Mediävistischer Gastvortrag
im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe
Das Alte im Neuen. Aktualisierungen der altnordischen Literatur in der Gegenwartskultur
Jón Karl Helgason
Háskóli Íslands
From Wagner to Viking Metal
The image of violent Scandinavian Vikings, eager to kill and be killed, became a fi xed cliche in Western-European and North-American popular culture during the twentieth century. In most cases, the brutal mentality of the Vikings was linked to their heathen beliefs. During the past few decades, these ideas have been thrown about in heavy metal rock music by bands such as Manowar from the USA, Einherjer from Norway, Týr from the Faroe Islands, and even The Mighty Thor from Mexico. In his paper, Jón Karl Helgason will discuss a few recurring themes in the lyrics of some of these bands and consider to what degree these can be related to infl uential American Viking fi lms from the 1920s and the 1950s and even further back to Wagner‘s 19th-century recycling of the Eddas.