Seit 2013 Professorin für Skandinavistische Sprachwissenschaft, Nordeuropa-Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Registergenese und Registerwandel im Germanischen (Projekt B04 des SFB 1412 "Register")
- Kreativität in der Wortbildung (Buchprojekt)
- Diachrone Konstruktionsgrammatik (Kooperationsprojekt mit Graeme Trousdale, Edinburgh)
- Approximative Morphologie (Kooperationsprojekt mit Kristel Van Goethem, Université Louvain-la-Neuve und Francesca Masini, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna)
2024: Member of the reading committee of Martin Konvička, Freie Universität Berlin. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Ferdinand von Mengden. Project title: Because Reasons: Non-finite causal constructions in English, German, Dutch, and Czech.
2021-2023: Member of the reading committee of Juliane Tiemann, Universitet i Bergen. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Jens-Eike Schnall. Project title: Syntactic Variation and Information Structure in Old Norwegian: An Investigation of Konungs skuggsjá in AM 243 bα fol.
2021: Member of the reading committee of Berit Maläin Johannsen, Freie Universität Berlin. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Ferdinand von Mengden. Project title: Meaning variation of have -NP-past participle-sequences.
2020-: Promotor of Phil Beier, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Project title: Register emergence and register change in Old Swedish.
2020: Member of the reading committee of Sune Rygaard Gregersen, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Olga Fischer. Project title: Early English modals. Form, function, and analogy.
2018-2019: Member of the reading committee of Katarina Naitoro, Australian National University. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Bethwyn Evans. Project title: Morphs in search of meaning: Southeast Solomonic transitive morphology in diachronic perspective.
2014-2018: Member of the supervision committee (doctoraatsbegeleidingscommissie) of Emmeline Gyselinck, University of Ghent, Belgium. Promotor: Prof. dr. T. Colleman. Project title: Tracking productivity shifts in 19th to 21st century Belgian and Netherlandic Dutch
2017: Member of the reading committee of Stefan Heinrich Bauhaus, Freie Universität Berlin. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Bernd Roling. Project title: Zwischen Gotizismus und Orthodoxie: Olof Rudbeck der Jüngere und die Sprachen des Nordens.
2014-: Second promotor of Urd Virdenes, University of Oslo, Norway. Promotor: Prof. dr. Hans-Olav Enger. Project title: En korpusbasert studie av demonstrativforsterkerne her(re) og der(re) i et grammatikaliserings-perspektiv [a corpus-based study of her(re) and der(re) reinforcement of demonstratives from a grammaticalization perspective]
2014-2015: Member of the reading committee of Guro Nore Fløgstad’s PhD thesis Forking paths: Category change, subfunction variation, and the Rioplatense Preterit
2010-2015: Promotor of Oscar Strik, University of Groningen. Project title: Modelling Analogical Language Variation in Space and Time: Developments in Germanic Verb Morphology
2009-2013: Co-supervisor of Kirsten Lundgaard Kolstrup, University of Groningen. Project title: Opportunities for speaking a second language. Learner agency in formal and informal contexts
2007-2012: Promotor of Karin Beijering, University of Groningen. Project title: Expressions of epistemic modality in Mainland Scandinavian
2007: Member of the reading committee of Gudrun Rawoens’s dissertation Kausativa verbkonstruktioner i svenskan och nederländskan. En korpusbaserad syntaktisk-semantisk undersökning [causative verb constructions in Swedish and Dutch. A corpus-based syntactic-semantic investigation]
2003-2006: Member of the supervision committee (doctoraatsbegeleidingscommissie) of Gudrun Rawoens, University of Ghent, Belgium. Promotor: Prof. dr. G. Laureys
Seit 1.10.2013 | Professorin für Skandinavistische Sprachwissenschaft, Nordeuropa-Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
2008-2013 | Professorin für Skandinavische Sprachen und Literaturen, Scandinavische Talen en Culturen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen |
2006-2008 | Hauptdozentin, Scandinavische Talen en Culturen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen |
2002-2006 | Forschungsstipendium der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen |
1998-2002 | Forschungsstipendium der Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek |
1997 | Promotion im Fach Skandinavistische Sprachwissenschaft an der Universiteit van Amsterdam |
1991-1997 | Promotionsstipendiatin an der Universiteit van Amsterdam |
1986-1991 | Studium der Skandinavistik und Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft an der Universiteit van Amsterdam |
- Norde, Muriel. Im Ersch. The making of words. An introduction to Diachronic Construction Morphology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Norde, Muriel. 2013. Degrammaticalization. Korean Edition (translated by Kim Jinsoo et al.) Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Norde, Muriel. 2009. Degrammaticalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Norde, Muriel. 1997. The history of the genitive in Swedish. A case study in degrammaticalization. PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam.
- Norde, Muriel & Graeme Trousdale (Hrsg.). 2023. Issues in Diachronic Construction Morphology. Special Issue of Constructions and Frames, vol. 15(2).
- Masini, Francesca, Muriel Norde & Kristel Van Goethem (Hrsg.). 2023. Approximation in Morphology. Special Issue of Zeitschrift für Wortbildung / Journal of Word formation, vol. 7(1).
- Van Goethem, Kristel, Muriel Norde, Evie Coussé & Gudrun Vanderbauwhede (Hrsg.). 2018. Category Change from a constructional perspective. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins (Constructional Approaches to Language 20)
- Norde, Muriel & Freek Van de Velde (Hrsg.) Exaptation and language change. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 336).
- Norde, Muriel, Alexandra Lenz & Karin Beijering (Hrsg.). 2013. Current trends in grammaticalization research. Special Issue of Language Sciences (vol. 36).
- Van der Liet, Henk & Muriel Norde (Hrsg.). 2012 Language for its own sake. Essays on Language and Literature offered to Harry Perridon. (Amsterdam Contributions to Scandinavian Studies; 8).
- Norde, Muriel, Cornelius Hasselblatt & Bob de Jonge (Hrsg.). 2010. Language contact – New perspectives. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (IMPACT Studies in Language and Society 28).
- Fischer, Olga Fischer, Muriel Norde & Harry Perridon (Hrsg.). 2004. Up and down the cline – the nature of grammaticalization, Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (Typological Studies in Language 59).
- 2009. E.C. Traugott & L. Brinton Lexicalization and language change.
- 2005. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Language 85:1, 2009, 184-186.
- 2003. J.T. Faarlund Språk i endring. Indre norsk språkhistorie.
- 2003. Oslo: Novus Forlag. In: Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek 24:2, 271-282.
- 2002a. Barry J. Blake Case. Second edition,
- 2001. In: LINGUIST LIST 13-126. URL:
- 2002b. L. Koelmans Het Nederlands van Michiel de Ruyter. Morfologie, woordvorming, syntaxis,
- 2001. In: Mededelingenblad van de Vereniging van Oudgermanisten 16:2, 19-21.
- 2002c. A.M. Duinhoven Analyse en synthese in het Nederlands,
- 2001. In: Mededelingenblad van de Vereniging van Oudgermanisten 16:2, 21-23.
- 2001. Thorsten Andersson, Eva Brylla & Anita Jacobson-Widding (eds) Personnamn och social indentitet. In: Naamkunde 33:2, 237-245.
- 1999a. Michael P. Barnes The Norn language of Orkney and Shetland,
- 1998. In: Iros. International Scandinavian studies, 9.
- 1999b. Rolf H. Bremmer et al. (eds) Approaches to Old Frisian philology,
- 1998. In: Iros. International Scandinavian studies, 7-8.
- 1999c. Cecilia Falk Fornsvenska upplevarverb,
- 1997. In: Iros. International Scandinavian studies, 18-19.
- 1999d. Arne Torp Nordiske språk i nordisk og germansk perspektiv,
- 1998. In: Iros. International Scandinavian studies, 91.
- 1998. Kurt Braunmüller (ed.) Niederdeutsch und die skandinavischen Sprachen II,
- 1995. In: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 50, 247-252.
- 1994. K. Braunmüller & W. Diercks (eds) Niederdeutsch und die skandinavischen Sprachen I,
- 1993. In: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 40, 219-223.
- 1993. L. Elmevik & K.E. Schöndorf (eds) Niederdeutsch in Skandinavien III,
- 1989. In: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 37, 216-221.
Auf Einladung
- 2024. Creativity in language change: a challenge for Diachronic Construction Morphology? Plenarvortrag auf Challenging Construction Grammar: New insights from morphology, Monte Verità (Switzerland), April 10, 2024.
- 2023a. Affixes, but not quite. Affixoids on the compound-affix gradient. Plenarvortrag, Affixes Conference at the University of Turku, August 17, 2023.
- 2023b. Creativity, paradigms and morphological constructions: Evidence from pseudoparticiples (mit Graeme Trousdale). Workshop on creativity and productivity, University of Helsinki, September 8, 2023.
- 2020. “Registergenes och registerförändring i fornsvenskan”. Gastvortrag auf Kollokvium för nordisk filologi, University of Stockholm, October 14, 2020 (mit Phil Beier)
- 2019a. “Tracing Change in Old Scandinavian Corpora: State of the Art and Desiderata”. Plenarvortrag auf Advancing Digital Humanities in Old Norse Research, Humboldt University of Berlin, July 3, 2019.
- 2019b. “’You shall know a word by the company it keeps”: En korpusbaserad semantisk analys av deontiska hjälpverb i fornsvenska lagtexter.” Plenarvortrag auf Nye diakrone perspektiver på nordisk morfologi og syntax, University of Poznan, November 8, 2019.
- 2019c. “Hoe ontstaan nieuwe woorden?” Plenarvortrag und Forumsdiskussion auf Dag van de Nederlandse Spraakkunst, University of Leuven, December 20, 2019.
- 2017a. “Diachronic Construction Grammar: Using evidence from synchronic corpora”. Plenarvortrag auf Construction grammar: New advances in theoretical and applied linguistics, University of Louvain-la-Neuve, 12. Mai 2017.
- 2017b. “The multilingual constructicon: English ish in Norwegian, Swedish, and Dutch”. Plenarvortrag auf Gradience and Constructional Change. Santiago – Leuven – Edinburgh workshop on change in English, University of Edinburgh, 18. November 2017.
- 2016a. “Kjempejobber eller kjempe jobber? Sammanskrivning och särskrivning av prefixoid i norska och andra germanska språk.” Gastvortrag an der Universität Oslo, 1. April 2016.
- 2016b. “On borrowing linguistic terminology from other disciplines: parallels or metaphors?”. Gastvorlesung bei der Jahresversammlung der Wiener Sprachgesellschaft, 12. April 2016.
- 2015a. “Die sprachliche Vielfalt Nordeuropas”. Vortrag auf Einladung auf der Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2015, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 13. Juni 2015.
- 2015b. “Subschemas vs. patterns of coining.” Vortrag auf Einladung auf Construction grammar between morphology and syntax, Universität Gent, 22. Juni 2015.
- 2015c. “Kanonmysig - Hammergenial. Deutsche und Schwedische Präfixoide im Vergleich. Plenarvortrag auf der 22. Arbeitstagung der Skandinavistik, Universität Köln, 29. September 2015.
- 2014a. “Bleaching, productivity and debonding of prefixoids. A corpus-based analysis of ‘giant’ in Dutch, German and Swedish”. Gastvortrag an der Freien Universität zu Berlin, 24. Juni 2014.
- 2014b. “On parents and peers in constructional networks”. Plenarvortrag auf Coglingdays 6, University of Ghent, 12. Dezember 2014.
- 2013a. “New reflections on degrammaticalization”. Gastvortrag an der Universität Münster, 09. Januar 2013.
- 2013b. “Debonding and the inflection-derivation interface”. Plenarvortrag auf Morphology and its interfaces, Université Lille 3, September 12, 2013.
- 2012a. “Degrammaticalization as constructionalization”. Gastvortrag an der Universiteit Gent, 15. März 2012.
- 2012b. “Degrammaticalization and constructionalization: how do they intersect?”. Plenarvortrag auf T.W.I.S.T Annual Conference of Linguistics, Leiden University, 11. Mai 2012.
- 2012c. “Scope-expansie en emancipatie van afleidingsuitgangen: degrammaticalisatie of lexicalisatie?”. Plenarvortrag auf Grammaticalisatie en degrammaticalisatie in het Nederlands, Louvain-la-Neuve, 24. Mai 2012.
- 2012d. “Quirky quotes and needles in the haystack: tracing grammatical change in historical corpora”. Gastvortrag an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 27. Juni 2012.
- 2011a. “Corpus-based approaches to historical linguistics”. Plenarvortrag auf A portfolio of Linguistic Methods, Universität Zürich, 06. Oktober 2011.
- 2011b. “Van matrix naar bijwoord of omgekeerd? Kanttekeningen bij de geschiedenis van kanske. Gastvortrag an der Universiteit van Amsterdam, 04. November 2011.
- 2011c. “Norsk garpegenitiv. En eller flera källkonstruktioner?” Plenarvortrag auf MONS 14, Tromsø Universitet, 25. November 2011.
- 2010a. “Bronnen van de Scandinavische Taalgeschiedenis” [Sources of Scandinavian language history]. Gastvortrag auf Scandinavische Vereniging Fryslân, 20. Januar 2010.
- 2010b. “Degrammaticalization”, Gastvortrag an der University of Edinburgh, 10. Februar 2010.
- 2010c. “Degrammaticalization. A construction grammar analysis”. Plenarvortrag auf ACLC workshop on grammaticalization, 10. November 2010.
- 2010d. “(De)grammaticalization and (de)subjectification”. Plenarvortrag auf GramiS: International Conference on Grammaticalization and (Inter)subjectification, Brussels, 13. November 2010.
- 2009a. “Bronnen van de Scandinavische Taalgeschiedenis” [Sources of Scandinavian language history]. Gastvortrag auf Scandinavische Vereniging, Groningen, 20. Januar 2009.
- 2009b. “Fascinerende fouten”, Antrittsvorlesung an der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 15. Januar 2009.
- 2008. “Classifying degrammaticalization”. Plenarvortrag auf New reflections on grammaticalization 4, Universiteit van Leuven, 18. Januar 2008.
- 2007a. “Degrammaticalization in Scandinavian”, Gastvortrag an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 24. Januar 2007.
- 2007b. “Three common misunderstandings about degrammaticalization.” Plenarvortrag auf What’s new in grammaticalization? workshop, Freie Universität Berlin, 11. Mai 2007.
- 2006. “The grammaticalization of adverbs – two case studies”. Plenarvortrag auf Colloque Perspectives Contrastives et Phénomènes de Grammaticalisation, Université de Fribourg, 03. Oktober 2006.
- 2005a. “De herkomst van grammatica” Gastvortrag auf Scandinavische Vereniging Groningen, 26. Januar 2005.
- 2005b. “S-genitiven: avgrammatikalisering eller inte?” Gastvortrag an der Göteborgs Universitet, 28. November 2005.
- 2003a. “Degrammaticalization: process or result?”. Plenarvortrag auf Grammatikaliseringsnetværk workshop, Rungsted, 23. Mai 2003.
- 2003b. “Grammatikaliseringens sista stadier”. Gastvortrag an der Universiteit Gent, 16. Dezember 2003.
- 2001. “On particles and adpositions in Old Scandinavian”. Plenarvortrag auf Workshop on preverbs, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 20. Januar 2001.
- 1999. “Exaptatie van flexieuitgangen in het Zweeds. De geschiedenis van de s-genitief en andere voorbeelden”, Gastvortrag am Centre for language and cognition-colloquium, Groningen, 28. Mail 1999.
- 1998a. “Complexity and simplification in inflectional morphology: the case of Scandinavian”. Plenarvortrag auf Complexity in language workshop, Paris, 08. September 1998.
- 1998b. “Forskningsprojektet: Förlust av kasus i svenskan”. Gastvortrag auf Minisymposium om kasus, Stockholm, 26. Oktober 1998.
- 1998c. “Grammatikaliseringskedjor med undantag – om uppkomsten av sekundära prepositioner i fornsvenskan”. Gastvortrag an der Stockholms Universitet, 27. Oktober 1998.
- 1998d. “Om främmande ords böjning i äldre fornsvenska”. Plenarvortrag auf Språkkontakt: Innflytelsen fra nedertysk på andre nordeuropeiske språk conference, Kristiansand, 30. Oktober 1998.
- 1994. “De geschiedenis van de genitief in het Zweeds” [The history of the genitive in Swedish]. Gastvortrag auf The Amsterdam colloquium of older Germanic languages, Amsterdam, 28. Mai 1994.
- 1993. “Genitivens utveckling i svenskan – några aspekter”. Gastvortrag an der Uppsala Universitet, 06. April 1993.
Sonstige Vorträge
- 2023. “Wannabe approximatives: creativity, routinization or both?” (mit Francesca Masini, Kristel Van Goethem & Daniel Ebner). Vortrag auf DGfS 2023, University of Cologne, March 10, 2023.
- 2022a. “Modelling modal meaning: Old Swedish expressions of permission and obligation” (mit Phil Beier). Paper presented at the 25th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of Oxford, August 2, 2022.
- 2022b. “Hapaxes in word formation: heralds or happenstance?”. Paper presented at the 25th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of Oxford, August 2, 2022.
- 2022c. “Happy as a frog in a lily pond: Phrasal similes as semi-schematic idioms” (with Sarah Sippach & Benjamin Houitte). Paper presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Bucharest, August 24, 2022.
- 2022d. “Modal constructions in Old Swedish legal and religious texts: two case studies” (with Phil Beier). Paper presented at Expressions of modality in Germanic: Competition and change, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, September 15, 2022.
- 2022e. Så smukt et sprog. A collexeme analysis of the Danish Big Mess Construction. Paper presented at Constructions in the Nordics 3, University of Kiel, September 20, 2022.
- 2021a. “A Network analysis of pseudoparticiples in contemporary Dutch” (mit Graeme Trousdale). Vortrag auf dem 11th International Conference on Construction Grammar, University of Antwerp, August 19, 2021.
- 2021b. “The fate of ‘pseudo-’ words: a contrastive corpus-based analysis” (with Kristel Van Goethem and Francesca Masini). Paper presented at Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies 6, Bertinoro, Italy, September 11, 2021.
- 2019a. “‘Fake’ morphemes in Dutch: morphological productivity as a predictor of categorial flexibility?” (with Kristel Van Goethem). Vortrag auf dem 52nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Leipzig, August 21, 2019.
- 2019b. “Libfixes and the organisation of constructional networks” (with Sarah Sippach). Vortrag auf dem 52nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Leipzig, August 21, 2019.
- 2017. “Morphological networks and morphological change.” Vortrag auf dem 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Zürich, September 10, 2017.
- 2016a. “Clusters of change: An interactive database” (with Chris Ebert). Vortrag auf dem 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Napels Frederico II, 31. August 2016.
- 2016b. “The Dutch diminutive as online nominalisation”. Vortrag auf dem 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Napels Frederico II, 1. September 2016.
- 2016c. “Expanding the lexicon through debonding. A constructionist perspective” (mit Kristel Van Goethem). Vortrag auf Expanding the lexicon / Extensions du lexique / Erweiterungen des Lexicons, Universität Trier, 17. November 2016.
- 2015a. “Slipstream category shift. The case of adjectivisation of -vis adverbs in Swedish.” Vortrag auf dem 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Universität Leiden, 03. September 2015.
- 2015b. “Semi-independent subordination: a case of degrammaticalization at the clausal level?” (mit Karin Beijering). Vortrag auf dem 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Universität Leiden, 04. September 2015.
- 2015c. “From matrix to sentence adverb? The history of Swedish kanske ‘maybe’” (mit Karin Beijering & Gudrun Rawoens). Vortrag auf der 22. Arbeitstagung der Skandinavistik, Universität Köln, 29. September 2015. 2015d. “Diachronic Construction Morphology.” Vortrag auf Grammaticalization meets Construction Grammar, Universität Göteborg, 09. Oktober 2015.
- 2014a. “Similes, affixoids and debonding: a corpus-based analysis of ‘giant’ in Dutch, German, Swedish and French” (mit Kristel Van Goethem). Vortrag auf CoLiDi 2014, University of Ghent, 28. Februar 2014.
- 2014b. “Category change from a constructional perspective: Introduction” (mit Kristel van Goethem). Vortrag auf ICCG 8, University of Osnabrück, 4. September 2014.
- 2014c. “Category change and constructional schemas: the case of diminutive intensifying prefixoids in Dutch” (mit Caroline Morris). Vortrag auf at ICCG 8, University of Osnabrück, 5. September 2014.
- 2013a. “A clustering approach to secondary grammaticalization” (mit Karin Beijering). Vortrag auf XXIst International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of Oslo, 5. August 2013.
- 2013b. “Debonding of Dutch intensifying prefixoids: a multiple-source account” (mit Kristel Van Goethem). Vortrag auf Morphology and its interfaces, Université Lille 3, 12. September 2013.
- 2012a. “Corpus-based approaches to constructional change in progress. The case of semi-autonomous subordination in Swedish”. Vortrag auf Constructional Change in the Languages of Europe, NIAS, Wassenaar, 13. Januar 2012.
- 2012b. “Facing interfaces: a clustering approach” (mit Karin Beijering). Vortrag auf Refining Grammaticalization, Free University of Berlin, 24. Februar 2012.
- 2012c. “From descriptive genitive to adjective: Swedish slags” (mit Caroline Morris). Vortrag auf Adjectives in Germanic and Romance: variation and change, University of Amsterdam, 30. März 2012.
- 2012d. “En diakron studie av det epistemiska satsadverbet kanske” (mit Karin Beijering & Gudrun Rawoens). Vortrag auf Svenska Språkets Historia 12, University of Stockholm, 14. April 2012.
- 2012e. “Pragmaticalization: introduction” (mit Karin Beijering). Vortrag auf New reflections on grammaticalization 5, University of Edinburgh, 17. Juli 2012.
- 2012f. “When decategorialization precedes context expansion: the case of the Dutch preposition richting”. Vortrag auf New reflections on grammaticalization 5, University of Edinburgh, 18. Juli 2012.
- 2012g. “Exaptation: introduction” (mit Freek van de Velde). Vortrag auf The 45th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Stockholm, 31. August 2012.
- 2012h. “Exaptation and constructionalization” (mit Graeme Trousdale). Vortrag auf The 45th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Stockholm, 31. August 2012.
- 2011a. “Non-canonical degree modifiers in substandard varieties of Dutch” (mit Bernard De Clerck & Timothy Colleman). Vortrag auf The Construction Grammar of Dutch, Leiden, 26. März 2011.
- 2011b. “From matrix to sentence adverb or vice versa? The history of Swedish kanske ’maybe’” (mit Gudrun Rawoens & Karin Beijering). Vortrag auf Gradualness in Change and its Relation to Synchronic Variation and Use, Pavia, Italy, 30. Mai 2011.
- 2011c. “Exaptation: introduction” (mit Freek Van de Velde). Vortrag auf the XXth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Osaka, Japan, 25. Juli 2011.
- 2010a. “S-genitivens historia utifrån ett konstruktionsgrammatiskt perspektiv”. Vortrag auf Svenska Språkets Historia 11, Uppsala, Sweden, 24. April 2010.
- 2010b. “On the origin(s) of the possessor doubling construction in Norwegian”. Vortrag auf 43rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Vilnius, Lithuania, 3. September 2010.
- 2009. “Morpheme-based and construction-based approaches to degrammaticalization” (mit Graeme Trousdale). Vortrag auf XIXth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Nijmegen, 13. August 2009.
- 2008. “Deflexion and related (?) morphosyntactic changes in the Scandinavian language family”. Vortrag auf 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Bamberg, Germany, 28. Februar 2008.
- 2007. “Epistemic adverbs at the interface of lexicalization and grammaticalization”. Vortrag auf TIN-dag [Linguistics in the Netherlands Day], University of Utrecht, 3. Februar 2007. 2006a. “Van suffix via telwoord tot bijwoord – de ongebruikelijke ontwikkeling van tig”. Vortrag auf TIN-dag [Linguistics in the Netherlands Day], University of Utrecht, 4. Februar 2006.
- 2006b. “The diachrony of derivation”. Vortrag aug the TABU-dag, University of Groningen, 2. Juni 2006.
- 2005a. “Parameters of degrammaticalization”. Vortrag auf the Linguistics Colloquium of the Center for Language and Cognition Groningen, University of Groningen, 15. Juli 2005.
- 2005b. “Parameters of degrammaticalization”. Vortrag auf New Reflections on Grammaticalization 3, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 17. Juli 2005.
- 2004a. “Adverb och adjektiv på –vis i svenskan”. [Adverbs and adjectives ending in –vis in Swedish]. Vortrag auf Svenskans Beskrivning 27 [The description of Swedish 27], Växjö, Sweden, 15. Mai 2004.
- 2004b. “Om uppkomsten av prepositionen på”. [On the rise of the preposition på ‘on’]. Vortrag auf Svenska Språkets Historia 8 [The history of the Swedish language 8], Lund, Sweden, 22. Mai 2004.
- 2003. “Degrammaticalization: process or result?” Vortrag auf the XVIth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Copenhagen, Denmark, 11. August 2003.
- 2001. “Is loss inevitable? On the reinforcement of nominal inflection in Continental Scandinavian”. Vortrag auf The seventh Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference, Banff, Canada, 22. April 2001.
- 2000. “The loss of lexical case in Swedish”. Vortrag auf Grammatical relations and grammatical change workshop, University of Oslo / University of Amsterdam, 29. Januar 2000.
- 1999. “The final stages of grammaticalization: affixhood and beyond”. Vortrag auf New reflections on grammaticalization conference, University of Potsdam, Germany, 17. Juni 1999.
- 1998a. “Deflexie in het Scandinavisch”. Vortrag auf Department of Scandinavian Languages, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 24. Februar 1998.
- 1998b. “The grammaticalization of prepositions in the history of Swedish”. Vortrag auf The Xth conference of Nordic and general linguistics. Reykjavík, Iceland, 8. Juni 1998.
- 1995a. “De genitief in het Zweeds”. Vortrag auf Slavonic languages linguistics club, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 24. März 1995.
- 1995b. “Grammaticalization versus reanalysis: the case of possessive constructions in Germanic”. Vortrag auf The XIIth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Manchester, UK, 16. August 1995.
- 1995c. “Middle Low German – Middle Scandinavian language contact and morphological simplification”. Vortrag auf The XIIth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Manchester, UK, 18. August 1995.
- 1995d. “Från kasusändelse till enklitisk determinator: genitivens historia i svenskan” [From case ending to enclitic determiner: the history of the genitive in Swedish]. Vortrag auf Svenska språkets historia 4 [The history of the Swedish language 4], Stockholm, Sweden, 2. November 1995.
- 1994. “Concordial case in Old Swedish”. Vortrag auf The 29th colloquium of linguistics, Aarhus, Denmark, 17. August 1994.
- 1993a. “De medellågtyska lånorden och kasussystemets förenkling i svenskan” [Middle Low German loan-words and deflexion in Swedish]. Vortrag auf Dialektkontakt, språkkontakt och språkförändring i Norden [Dialect contact, language contact and language change] conference, Tällberg, Sweden, 26. Mai 1993.
- 1993b. “The history of the Swedish genitive: a case study in deflexion”. Vortrag auf The XIth International conference on historical linguistics, Los Angeles, USA, 20. August 1993.