Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Nordeuropa-Institut

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät | Nordeuropa-Institut | TERMINE | SoSe 2017 | Luther og reformasjonen i Norge – Prof. Aud Tønnessen, Prof. Dag Thorkildsen, Prof. Hallgeir Elstad

Luther og reformasjonen i Norge – Prof. Aud Tønnessen, Prof. Dag Thorkildsen, Prof. Hallgeir Elstad

Prof. Dr. theol. Aud Valborg Tønnessen er tilknyttet Det teologiske fakultetet ved Universitetet i Oslo og har forsket mye på forholdet mellom stat og kirke. Prof. Dr. theol. Dag Thorkildsen er også tilknyttet Det teologiske fakultetet ved UiO og har i sin forskning fokus på kirkens og religionens betydning for nordisk nasjonsbygging på 1800 og 1900-tallet. Prof. Dr. theol. Hallgeir Elstad er professoer ved Det teologiske fakultetet ved UiO. Hans forskningsinteresse retter seg mot nyere norsk kirkehistorie med fokus på 1800 og 1900-tallet.
  • Luther og reformasjonen i Norge – Prof. Aud Tønnessen, Prof. Dag Thorkildsen, Prof. Hallgeir Elstad
  • 2017-07-11T18:00:00+02:00
  • 2017-07-11T20:00:00+02:00
  • Prof. Dr. theol. Aud Valborg Tønnessen er tilknyttet Det teologiske fakultetet ved Universitetet i Oslo og har forsket mye på forholdet mellom stat og kirke. Prof. Dr. theol. Dag Thorkildsen er også tilknyttet Det teologiske fakultetet ved UiO og har i sin forskning fokus på kirkens og religionens betydning for nordisk nasjonsbygging på 1800 og 1900-tallet. Prof. Dr. theol. Hallgeir Elstad er professoer ved Det teologiske fakultetet ved UiO. Hans forskningsinteresse retter seg mot nyere norsk kirkehistorie med fokus på 1800 og 1900-tallet.
  • Was Öffentliche Veranstaltung Henrik-Steffens-Vorlesung
  • Wann 11.07.2017 von 18:00 bis 20:00
  • Wo Felleshus der Nordischen Botschaften, Rauchstr. 1, Berlin-Tiergarten
  • iCal

Luther og reformasjonen i Norge – Aud Tønnessen, Dag Thorkildsen, Hallgeir Elstad

Prof. Dr. theol. Aud Valborg Tønnessen
er tilknyttet Det teologiske fakultetet ved Universitetet i Oslo og har forsket mye på forholdet mellom stat og kirke.
Prof. Dr. theol. Dag Thorkildsen
er også tilknyttet Det teologiske fakultetet ved UiO og har i sin forskning fokus på kirkens og religionens betydning for nordisk nasjonsbygging på 1800 og 1900-tallet.
Prof. Dr. theol. Hallgeir Elstad
er professoer ved Det teologiske fakultetet ved UiO. Hans forskningsinteresse retter seg mot nyere norsk kirkehistorie med fokus på 1800 og 1900-tallet.

Diese Veranstaltung findet im
Felleshus der Nordischen Botschaften,
Rauchstr. 1, Berlin-Tiergarten statt!

Der Vortrag wird auf Englisch gehalten.
20170711 hsv
Professor Hallgeir Elstad
The Reformation Anniversaries 1817 and 1917 in Norway with emphasis on the University's role.
Friday 31 October 1817 marked the 300th anniversary of Martin Luther posting his Ninety-Five Theses. That year Norway marked the Reformation anniversary for the first time without being in a union with Denmark. The event was celebrated in all churches throughout the country. The Reformation anniversary also gave the opportunity for the first major celebration at the newly founded University in Christiania (Oslo). On Monday 3 November the University held its feast with lectures and a special written cantata for the occasion.
The 400th Reformation anniversary in 1917 took place in the shadow of World War I. Nevertheless, celebrations were held through several days. The University marked the feast in the newly opened 'aula' with the Royal Family present. It also was published several academic books on Luther and the Reformation, which demonstrated a broad scholarly interest in the matter.

Professor Aud V. Tønnessen
The reformation and the poor.
New politics and changed images of the poor in Germany and Denmark-Norway 1537-1900
Martin Luther´s reaction against the practice of indulgences and sacrament of the penance would affect the practice of poor relief. With he dissolution of monasteries the caring for poor and sick had to find new forms. In Lutheran cities a system based on outdoor relief and the collection of money and in-kind developed. Distribution of aid should be based on means-testing. Special attention was given the beggars who were seen as a threat to the stability of the society. The principle of residence became the most important regulation of Lutheran poor relief. Those who did not reside were without rights to aid. In Wittenberg a group of selected men would distribute the means to the worthy poor. This would be a model for the organization of poor relief in the cities of the Lutheran Denmark-Norway after 1537.

Professor Dag Thorkildsen
Lutheranism, Pietism and roots of Scandinavian welfare states
Aage B. Sørensen (1941-2001), Professor of Sociology at Harvard University, has argued that the origins of the Scandinavian welfare states are most usefully seen in the small-state absolutism and Lutheran Pietism characterizing 18-century Denmark/Norway. In spite of differences it has been a common characteristic to the Scandinavian Churches that they never competed against the Prince or the state concerning the political power. In the eighteenth century Lutheran Pietism, coming from Germany, became the most important reform movement. In Denmark and Norway it was supported by the monarchy and spread through the clergy. It introduced series of locally based social reforms and made pauperism, education, public health, responsibility for orphans and care of sick and mentally ill people a public responsibility. In the nineteenth century Pietism fusing with religious revivalism, promoted a culture of simplicity and equality. The essence of life was family and daily work. It became a base to improve the living conditions and created an early social mobility. More important, however, was the idea that individual identity was not given, but chosen. Birth and family did not determine the essence of a person. This concept implied individuality, subjectivity, and self-discipline - pre-requisites for liberal democracy. Pietism and revivalism also promoted poor relief and others social reforms, and out of this flourished a Protestant diaconal work which the welfare state could continue to build upon.

Der Abend wird von einem musikalischen Rahmenprogramm begleitet. Lena Haselmann und Professor Heide Görtz werden religiöse Romanzen von Edvard Grieg und anderen norwegischen Komponist*innen aufführen.