Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Nordeuropa-Institut

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät | Nordeuropa-Institut | TERMINE | SoSe 2023 | hsv | OBS! FÄLLT AUS! [Wolf Children: The Natural History of Culture and Care – Lars Risan]

OBS! FÄLLT AUS! [Wolf Children: The Natural History of Culture and Care – Lars Risan]

In this lecture I will speak about the unlikely and difficult lives of two girls who lived in West Bengal, India, in the 1920ies.



Wolf Children – The Natural History of Culture and Care

Lars Risan
Anthropologe, Oslo
Der Vortrag wird auf ENGLISCH gehalten.

In this lecture I will speak about the unlikely and difficult lives of two girls who lived in West Bengal, India, in the 1920ies. These two girls reportedly had the extraordinary experience of moving – bodily, emotionally and cognitively – from a wolf culture to a human culture. It was not an easy journey. By wolf culture I mean the actual culture of a wolf pack. What, then, does the phrase “wolf culture” mean?